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Support Summary

B.A.C. Consulting and ArriveTech understand that when you’re using any software application, questions come up. Nothing is more frustrating to a software user than having a question and not knowing where to go to find an answer. B.A.C. Consulting and ArriveTech want each of our software users to be completely satisfied with their software purchase and we want to make sure that when you have questions, we can provide timely and easy to understand solutions to your software problems. In addition to the help files that are included with each application, B.A.C. Consulting and ArriveTech offer three other support options for our users’ convenience: E-mail support, Phone support and our online knowledge base are all available to our users to get their questions answered quickly.


Phone Support

If you're looking for support for QB Training Products click here.

For questions regarding support options or pricing call:

1 (814) 868-3306
